Murder Rose by Almost 30% in 2020. It’s Rising at a Slower Rate in 2021.

The New York Times (NYT) (09/22/2021)
  • FBI data revealed that 2020 experienced the biggest year-over-year increase in US murders (+5,000 approx) ever.
  • While the increase eclipsed the previous record (+1,938 in 1990), total murders (21,500) remain below peak early 1990s levels (24,000).
  • Drivers behind the increase include pandemic-related stresses, police pullback after George Floyd protests and the increase in guns in circulation.
  • Murders rose 35-40% in cities with over 100,000 people.
  • While murders are still increasing in 2021, the rate of increase has slowed (+9.9%).
  • 77% of US murders involve firearms.